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Xenical where to buy it in a few days. If you're looking for an interesting, fresh perspective on modern feminism and gender issues, check out the new book by Christina Hoff Sommers on the topic. It is called:Why Men Won't Succeed The book is currently only available via Amazon in PDF format. I had to download and install the Adobe Acrobat reader before it would show up as an option for purchase. It only works on Windows computers, so I'm not sure if you can purchase it from there. Have fun with it. Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr Like this: Loading... The government of Iraq has taken its first steps toward making public data describing the number of prisoners at country's prisons. It's the latest victory in country's ongoing fight for transparency. On Monday, the Iraqi government created an online portal that allows the public to search for details such as the number of prisoners by date or day of the year; name each individual prisoner within the prison; location of each prisoner; and whether the prisoners have physical or mental disabilities. In a move that has been applauded for its transparency, the Iraqi government has also issued a law that will allow families to receive information of their loved ones' incarceration status. The move, which comes even though the Iraqi government has previously refused to confirm or deny whether certain prisoners are being held in torture chambers, is the latest move to lift veil on the nation's prison system. It follows a series of actions b